


劳勿這個富裕安谧、享福百年的山城,因山埃蓄势入侵,陷入了极度的惶恐中. 劳勿们安居乐业的们的产业、家园都在这山城里,没有可能迁居他乡! 矿地距离最近的住家只有两公尺之遥、与民宅只有一马路之隔,为何彭亨州矿物及地质科学局会批准金矿公司以此致命性物质采金?

武吉公满新村,一个以金矿业发迹的百年老村,位于劳勿县内, 约有四百户人家、人口约三千人。武吉公满新村位处金矿区,名副其实遍地黄金


甘文华儿子甘耀(Andrew Kam) 创办伦敦上市公司半岛金矿有限公司(Peninsular Gold Limited, 独资拥有劳勿澳洲金矿私人有限公司(Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd. 其公司董事包括彭亨州公主惹拉曼查(Tengku Puteri Seri Lela Manja)及其前夫莫哈末梅斯(Mohd Moiz);彭亨州发展机构(Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang)则是该公司的合作机构。

2006821,該公司成功取得彭亨州矿物及地质科学局(Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Pahang)的批准,在这个紧挨武吉公满新村的金矿区以山埃采金。

2006124,村民获知山埃的危害后,成立了反对山埃采金委员会,积极向外界传达求救讯息,筹集力量向山埃宣战, 走上艰难的自救之路, 並展开签名运动自救, 己收集一万个签名.

200732, 彭亨州务大臣安南耶谷(Adnan Yaakob)为彭亨州劳勿澳洲金矿私人有限公司的碳提炼(Carbon-In Leach)厂 主持动土仪式. 彭亨州公主惹拉曼查(Tengku Puteri Seri Lela Manja, 其担任该公司董事的前夫莫哈末梅斯(Mohd Moiz)以及劳勿区国会议员黄燕燕也是座上嘉宾.

20075月间, 工 委会致函首相阿都拉、能源、水务和通讯部长林敬益及马华公会总会长黄家定,请他们关注山埃采金事件,择日接见工委 会成员,并接领万人签名备忘录,也曾呈交备忘录予劳勿区国会议员黄燕燕、彭亨州马华公会联委会主席陈广才、马青总团长兼文冬区国会议员廖中莱;可是,村民 传达的心声如石沉大海,全无回音

20077, 反对山埃采金委员会前往槟城寻求环保组织马来西亚环境之友(Sahabat Alam Malaysia)的协助,並與马来西亚环境之友主席兼环保律师美娜拉曼(Meena Raman)会面,以寻求法律援助

2008321, 反对山埃采金工委会入禀吉隆坡高等法院,要求法院对环境部发放执政允许劳勿澳洲金矿私人有限公司(Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd)以山埃采金,展开司法审核, 透过司法管道推翻环境部发放执, 並例马来西亚环境部为第一答辩人、武吉公满金矿业主为第二答辩人

20092, 劳勿澳洲金矿私人有限公司開始使用山埃采金,居住在附近的村民不时闻到一股刺鼻难闻的气味。自此之后,许多村民开始产生失眠、呕吐、头晕及不良症状。短短一個月裡就己接獲200多宗身体不适的投报。


2009323. 彭州行政议员拿督何启文在該局進行了草率的調查後, 公布环境局的调查报告,指该新村並没有山埃异味。

2009325. 反山埃委员会与州议员钟绍安,今日向反贪污局举报,要求当局介入调查武吉公满金矿公司以山埃采金的程序。

村民这次选择走上街头和平请愿,是因为他们的身体已发出中毒警钟,不然的话,也不会有多达200多 宗身体不适的投报。连异味都无法控制,不得不让村民担心公司是无法确保水源在他日不会遭污染。公司以山埃采金,无法给村民任何保障,对村民有欠公平;如果 万一有一天山埃泄漏了,政府才亡羊补牢下令停止采金,还是提供治疗?何人又能担保村民的下一代不会出现畸形噩运呢?这又是一个大问号!难道须要等到问题发 生过后才来补救吗?到时何人又能给予村民合理的赔偿?




Raub is a town full of peacefully wealthy. Due to recently the emerging of Cyanide, the valley is deeply submerged into terrifying. Raub is place we live and growth up, our properties and home are all here in this little valley. There is no reason to move to other places. Mining processing facilities only two kilometers away from residential area, only across the street to be exact, why is the Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department still approved the application to use this lethal chemical, Cyanide, to extract the gold?

Bukit Koman, a small and old village, born from the soil of gold mining, located inside Raub county, approximately contains four hundred families, totaling residents around three thousands. It is located right in the gold mining area, is indeed a ‘gold plated’ village.

The mining activity started on year 1898, but ceased on year 1963. During this time, the mining was fully controlled by Australian. During year 1970, thousands of hectares of mining land had transferred under the group of (gan mun wah). After he bought the land, occupied the most of it with palm oil but reserved two sectors totaling 600 hectares of the land. During year 1980’s, (gan mun wah) rent the reserved mining land to Chinese gold miner to mine the gold via gravity separation approach. During year 1990, the company taken the land back, but founded company to mine the gold by themselves.

Son of (gmw), Andrew Kam, created Peninsular Gold Limited company, which is listed in London Exchange, and wholly own Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd., fully responsible in the mining activity. The other shareholders including Pahang royal Princess, Tengku Puteri Seri Lela Manja and her ex-husband Mohd Moiz. Pahang Development Board (Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang) is their partners.

Chronologically events

21st August 2006

Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. successfully obtained approval from Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department to use Cyanide in the mining area inside Bukit Koman.

4th December 2006

After the villages got to know the lethalness and impact of the Cyanide, the villages formed Objection of Cyanide use in Gold Mining in Bukit Koman Committee, aggressively sending the SOS signal to all people for help, gathering help to start the bitter war with Cyanide to save the villages. At the same time, petition is also started and 10 thousands signatures are actually collected with the petition.

2nd March 2007

Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaakob officiate the break soil ceremony of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. Carbon-In Leach factory.

VIP of the event including Pahang Princess ex-husband Mohd. Moiz and Raub Parliament YB Dato Dr. Ng Yen Yen.

May 2007

The committee submitted letter to Prime Minister YAB Dato Abdullah Badawi, Minister of Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication YB Dato Lim Kim Aik and President of MCA, YB Dato Wong Ka Ting and request for attention in this matter, meet the committee for further discussion as well as presenting the memorandum including the signed petition of 10 thousands signatures. The memorandum also submitted to Raub Parliament YB Dato Dr Ng Yan Yan, Pahang MCA State Chief, YB Dato Chan Kong Choy, Chief of MCA Youth cum Bentong Parliament YB Dato Leow Chong Lai. But no respond was obtained.

July 2007

Committee meet with President of Friends of the Earth Malaysia, Meena Raman in Penang for legal assistant

21st March 2008

Committee file a law suit with high court of Kuala Lumpur, requesting the court revert the approval of Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department to Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. to use Cyanide in the process of mining of gold in Bukit Koman. Malaysia Ministry of Environmental has been named first defendant and Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. as second defendant.

February 2009

Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. started the mining process with Cyanide. Residents started to notice sting smell. Since then, many residents started to experience insomnia, vomiting, dizziness and other abnormal symptoms. The total number of report of abnormal symptoms has more than 200 cases.

8th March 2009

Hundreds of villages attended the Anti Cyanide Gathering and put up banner to reflect their determination to say NO to Cyanide. Some of the villages opt to migrate away from Bukit Koman to stay away from this lethal village.

23rd March 2009

Pahang Exco Dato Ho Kee Mum published the report after cursory investigation by department of environment, saying there is no smell of Cyanide is detected.

25th March 2009

Committee and ADUN Raub, Mr. Chong Shao Aun report the event to Anti Corruption, requesting to interfere with the process of gold mining using Cyanide of the mining company.

Villages of Bukit Koman choose to go for peaceful demonstration; due to their body has triggered the alarm of poisoning of Cyanide. Otherwise, there would not be more than 200 cases of abnormal symptoms. Villages really has no confidence in mining company and their promises that their operations would not pollute the environment as well as the water resources when the company clearly even cannot control the abnormal smell emitted from the mining processing facilities.

The mining company uses the Cyanide to mine the gold but cannot give any assurance to the villages has been unfair to the resident not only in Bukit Koman, but whole Raub even other adjunctive districts such as Lipis etc. IF, the Cyanide is leaked to the water resources, similar as the smell has leaked to the open air, then only after this the government put a stop in using the Cyanide, would that be a reasonable trade off or exchange or price to pay? The consequence will be everyone nightmare when the impact of Cyanide pollution will produce monstrosity children for the coming generations! Until then, everything would be too late.

What the villages want is a reasonable solution. The highest priority is to stop the Cyanide mining process similar to suicide slowly. No lip promises but black and white promises. Only the Cyanide mining process is stopped and leaves Bukit Koman forever, is the final answer that villages is expecting.

Unfortunately, that sincerity has not been seen from the government. How many more demonstration would require in order to see more positive responses?
