


雖然极微量的山埃就可致命, 金礦卻每天使用數以吨計的山埃采金.



彭亨州矿物及地质科学局(Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Pahang)总监祖基菲(Zulkifly Abu Bakar)在一封回复马来西亚自然之友(Sahabat Alam Malaysia)的信函中证实,该局已发出一封志期821日的批准信,允许金矿业者以山埃采金。这封批准信是按照《1994年矿物开发法令》第10条款发出,为期一年;一年后,业主可申请更新准证。




经过净化的水会被疏通到以前采矿时留下的废矿, 导入废矿湖以后,废矿湖含有约0.008%的山埃

根据美国环境保护局(EPA)的资料显示, 氰化物在自然界的水的微含量应该在0.2 ppm ,废矿湖含有约80ppm的山埃, 超过安全水平的400倍!



1. 山埃需要借助阳光和氧气,以分解成为较无害的物质;: 大馬並非每日都是艳陽高照, 阴天煙雨天等都會影響每日日照呈度, 排到礦湖中的山埃是否來得及被分解乃是未知數

2. 山埃渗入缺乏阳光和氧气的地下水道,可在地下水中留存相当久,直接破坏地下水源。

3. 氰化物废水处理排放的废水中NH3-N,含量较高 易造成水资源富营养化,从而使浮游藻类大量繁殖,水体透明度下降, 溶解氧降低,威胁鱼类生存,水质发臭出现赤潮

4. 世上任何存在的物体本就不可能被分解得煙消雲散, 山埃其實只是轉變成另一種較無毒的形式如二氧化碳, 硝酸或亞尼亞

5. 然而, 山埃往往會與其它的化學品生化學反應, 產生其他至少數以百計的化合物

6. 被降解後的成份大致上來說是較山埃的毒性小, 但對水土保持, 環境及水族來說依然存在重大的威脅

7. 被降解後的成份將會無限期地持継存在於環境中, 再积聚於水產或植物的組織中

8. 對生态環境造成的极度破壞,永遠無法修復

9. 工业废水中排放的氰化物对鱼类有很大毒性,当水中氰化物浓度达到0.5mg/L时,在两小时内鱼类死亡20%,一天内全部死亡

只要管理得當, 山埃采金是絕對安全的

萬一管理出現漏洞或疏忽, 所有的後果將轉嫁予一群無辜的村民, 更何況時至今日都沒有任何一方敢作出意外是不會發生的擔保. 用數以千計的性命作為某個自私團體謀取暴利的賭注, 實在有欠理智與公平

山埃采金的作業是在一個密封的環境之下操作, 泄漏或污染的機會微乎其微

20092月起, 空中不時飘散著一股刺鼻的化學品氣味, 短短一個月內己接獲兩百多宗的不適投報, 空氣素質問題己敲響警鐘


大部份劳工皆為外劳, 而据所聘用的本地人表示, 在金礦中工作一段日子後己出現皮膚問題名副其實的有福無命享!




山埃采金法同時也在多個地區如土耳其、希腊及蒙大那禁用, 同時多個國家也即將效法. 幾乎所有的環保機構皆鼓吹禁用.當然也包括先進國家。

管員們口中所引述的所謂的先進國家也無可避免地一而再再而三地面對泄漏與污染事件, 不屬於先進國的馬來西亞又如何擔保他們所作出的批凖是正確的?




與住宅區近在尺並采用大量(每天1.5公噸)屬一級剧毒品的山埃作業的金礦又怎麼取得批凖?難道規矩只針對某些人, 可以對某些人例外?

部份村民及大部份劳勿人都未能正視這事件的迫切性, 有者則認為這是某都份人為上位為出名所作出的技倆

保衛家園無闗政治種族宗教! 當家園沒了健康沒了意识也沒了, 誰當權誰出位都己不再重要



長期接触少量氰化物所帶來的健康損害 - 心臟及脑部受損, 出现神经衰弱综合征、眼及上呼吸道刺激,头痛、头晕、乏力、胸闷、流泪、流涕、恶心、呕吐、呼吸困难,可引起皮疹。



劳勿這個富裕安谧、享福百年的山城,因山埃蓄势入侵,陷入了极度的惶恐中. 劳勿们安居乐业的们的产业、家园都在这山城里,没有可能迁居他乡! 矿地距离最近的住家只有两公尺之遥、与民宅只有一马路之隔,为何彭亨州矿物及地质科学局会批准金矿公司以此致命性物质采金?

武吉公满新村,一个以金矿业发迹的百年老村,位于劳勿县内, 约有四百户人家、人口约三千人。武吉公满新村位处金矿区,名副其实遍地黄金


甘文华儿子甘耀(Andrew Kam) 创办伦敦上市公司半岛金矿有限公司(Peninsular Gold Limited, 独资拥有劳勿澳洲金矿私人有限公司(Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd. 其公司董事包括彭亨州公主惹拉曼查(Tengku Puteri Seri Lela Manja)及其前夫莫哈末梅斯(Mohd Moiz);彭亨州发展机构(Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang)则是该公司的合作机构。

2006821,該公司成功取得彭亨州矿物及地质科学局(Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Pahang)的批准,在这个紧挨武吉公满新村的金矿区以山埃采金。

2006124,村民获知山埃的危害后,成立了反对山埃采金委员会,积极向外界传达求救讯息,筹集力量向山埃宣战, 走上艰难的自救之路, 並展开签名运动自救, 己收集一万个签名.

200732, 彭亨州务大臣安南耶谷(Adnan Yaakob)为彭亨州劳勿澳洲金矿私人有限公司的碳提炼(Carbon-In Leach)厂 主持动土仪式. 彭亨州公主惹拉曼查(Tengku Puteri Seri Lela Manja, 其担任该公司董事的前夫莫哈末梅斯(Mohd Moiz)以及劳勿区国会议员黄燕燕也是座上嘉宾.

20075月间, 工 委会致函首相阿都拉、能源、水务和通讯部长林敬益及马华公会总会长黄家定,请他们关注山埃采金事件,择日接见工委 会成员,并接领万人签名备忘录,也曾呈交备忘录予劳勿区国会议员黄燕燕、彭亨州马华公会联委会主席陈广才、马青总团长兼文冬区国会议员廖中莱;可是,村民 传达的心声如石沉大海,全无回音

20077, 反对山埃采金委员会前往槟城寻求环保组织马来西亚环境之友(Sahabat Alam Malaysia)的协助,並與马来西亚环境之友主席兼环保律师美娜拉曼(Meena Raman)会面,以寻求法律援助

2008321, 反对山埃采金工委会入禀吉隆坡高等法院,要求法院对环境部发放执政允许劳勿澳洲金矿私人有限公司(Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd)以山埃采金,展开司法审核, 透过司法管道推翻环境部发放执, 並例马来西亚环境部为第一答辩人、武吉公满金矿业主为第二答辩人

20092, 劳勿澳洲金矿私人有限公司開始使用山埃采金,居住在附近的村民不时闻到一股刺鼻难闻的气味。自此之后,许多村民开始产生失眠、呕吐、头晕及不良症状。短短一個月裡就己接獲200多宗身体不适的投报。


2009323. 彭州行政议员拿督何启文在該局進行了草率的調查後, 公布环境局的调查报告,指该新村並没有山埃异味。

2009325. 反山埃委员会与州议员钟绍安,今日向反贪污局举报,要求当局介入调查武吉公满金矿公司以山埃采金的程序。

村民这次选择走上街头和平请愿,是因为他们的身体已发出中毒警钟,不然的话,也不会有多达200多 宗身体不适的投报。连异味都无法控制,不得不让村民担心公司是无法确保水源在他日不会遭污染。公司以山埃采金,无法给村民任何保障,对村民有欠公平;如果 万一有一天山埃泄漏了,政府才亡羊补牢下令停止采金,还是提供治疗?何人又能担保村民的下一代不会出现畸形噩运呢?这又是一个大问号!难道须要等到问题发 生过后才来补救吗?到时何人又能给予村民合理的赔偿?




Raub is a town full of peacefully wealthy. Due to recently the emerging of Cyanide, the valley is deeply submerged into terrifying. Raub is place we live and growth up, our properties and home are all here in this little valley. There is no reason to move to other places. Mining processing facilities only two kilometers away from residential area, only across the street to be exact, why is the Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department still approved the application to use this lethal chemical, Cyanide, to extract the gold?

Bukit Koman, a small and old village, born from the soil of gold mining, located inside Raub county, approximately contains four hundred families, totaling residents around three thousands. It is located right in the gold mining area, is indeed a ‘gold plated’ village.

The mining activity started on year 1898, but ceased on year 1963. During this time, the mining was fully controlled by Australian. During year 1970, thousands of hectares of mining land had transferred under the group of (gan mun wah). After he bought the land, occupied the most of it with palm oil but reserved two sectors totaling 600 hectares of the land. During year 1980’s, (gan mun wah) rent the reserved mining land to Chinese gold miner to mine the gold via gravity separation approach. During year 1990, the company taken the land back, but founded company to mine the gold by themselves.

Son of (gmw), Andrew Kam, created Peninsular Gold Limited company, which is listed in London Exchange, and wholly own Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd., fully responsible in the mining activity. The other shareholders including Pahang royal Princess, Tengku Puteri Seri Lela Manja and her ex-husband Mohd Moiz. Pahang Development Board (Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang) is their partners.

Chronologically events

21st August 2006

Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. successfully obtained approval from Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department to use Cyanide in the mining area inside Bukit Koman.

4th December 2006

After the villages got to know the lethalness and impact of the Cyanide, the villages formed Objection of Cyanide use in Gold Mining in Bukit Koman Committee, aggressively sending the SOS signal to all people for help, gathering help to start the bitter war with Cyanide to save the villages. At the same time, petition is also started and 10 thousands signatures are actually collected with the petition.

2nd March 2007

Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaakob officiate the break soil ceremony of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. Carbon-In Leach factory.

VIP of the event including Pahang Princess ex-husband Mohd. Moiz and Raub Parliament YB Dato Dr. Ng Yen Yen.

May 2007

The committee submitted letter to Prime Minister YAB Dato Abdullah Badawi, Minister of Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication YB Dato Lim Kim Aik and President of MCA, YB Dato Wong Ka Ting and request for attention in this matter, meet the committee for further discussion as well as presenting the memorandum including the signed petition of 10 thousands signatures. The memorandum also submitted to Raub Parliament YB Dato Dr Ng Yan Yan, Pahang MCA State Chief, YB Dato Chan Kong Choy, Chief of MCA Youth cum Bentong Parliament YB Dato Leow Chong Lai. But no respond was obtained.

July 2007

Committee meet with President of Friends of the Earth Malaysia, Meena Raman in Penang for legal assistant

21st March 2008

Committee file a law suit with high court of Kuala Lumpur, requesting the court revert the approval of Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department to Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. to use Cyanide in the process of mining of gold in Bukit Koman. Malaysia Ministry of Environmental has been named first defendant and Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. as second defendant.

February 2009

Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. started the mining process with Cyanide. Residents started to notice sting smell. Since then, many residents started to experience insomnia, vomiting, dizziness and other abnormal symptoms. The total number of report of abnormal symptoms has more than 200 cases.

8th March 2009

Hundreds of villages attended the Anti Cyanide Gathering and put up banner to reflect their determination to say NO to Cyanide. Some of the villages opt to migrate away from Bukit Koman to stay away from this lethal village.

23rd March 2009

Pahang Exco Dato Ho Kee Mum published the report after cursory investigation by department of environment, saying there is no smell of Cyanide is detected.

25th March 2009

Committee and ADUN Raub, Mr. Chong Shao Aun report the event to Anti Corruption, requesting to interfere with the process of gold mining using Cyanide of the mining company.

Villages of Bukit Koman choose to go for peaceful demonstration; due to their body has triggered the alarm of poisoning of Cyanide. Otherwise, there would not be more than 200 cases of abnormal symptoms. Villages really has no confidence in mining company and their promises that their operations would not pollute the environment as well as the water resources when the company clearly even cannot control the abnormal smell emitted from the mining processing facilities.

The mining company uses the Cyanide to mine the gold but cannot give any assurance to the villages has been unfair to the resident not only in Bukit Koman, but whole Raub even other adjunctive districts such as Lipis etc. IF, the Cyanide is leaked to the water resources, similar as the smell has leaked to the open air, then only after this the government put a stop in using the Cyanide, would that be a reasonable trade off or exchange or price to pay? The consequence will be everyone nightmare when the impact of Cyanide pollution will produce monstrosity children for the coming generations! Until then, everything would be too late.

What the villages want is a reasonable solution. The highest priority is to stop the Cyanide mining process similar to suicide slowly. No lip promises but black and white promises. Only the Cyanide mining process is stopped and leaves Bukit Koman forever, is the final answer that villages is expecting.

Unfortunately, that sincerity has not been seen from the government. How many more demonstration would require in order to see more positive responses?


Friday, May 15, 2009



山埃存放在一個一個的container 裡,排成一排,觸目驚心的"sodium cyanide" lable,看了令人心頭一悚!(图片刊於2009年3月28日南洋商報東海岸封面版。)


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cyanide and Raub


Raub is a town full of peacefully wealthy. Due to recently the emerging of Cyanide, the valley is deeply submerged into terrifying. Raub is place we live and growth up, our properties and home are all here in this little valley. There is no reason to move to other places. Mining processing facilities only two kilometers away from residential area, only across the street to be exact, why is the Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department still approved the application to use this lethal chemical, Cyanide, to extract the gold?

Bukit Koman, a small and old village, born from the soil of gold mining, located inside Raub county, approximately contains four hundred families, totaling residents around three thousands. It is located right in the gold mining area, is indeed a ‘gold plated’ village.

The mining activity started on year 1898, but ceased on year 1963. During this time, the mining was fully controlled by Australian. During year 1970, thousands of hectares of mining land had transferred under the group of (gan mun wah). After he bought the land, occupied the most of it with palm oil but reserved two sectors totaling 600 hectares of the land. During year 1980’s, (gan mun wah) rent the reserved mining land to Chinese gold miner to mine the gold via gravity separation approach. During year 1990, the company taken the land back, but founded company to mine the gold by themselves.

Son of (gmw), Andrew Kam, created Peninsular Gold Limited company, which is listed in London Exchange, and wholly own Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd., fully responsible in the mining activity. The other shareholders including Pahang royal Princess, Tengku Puteri Seri Lela Manja and her ex-husband Mohd Moiz. Pahang Development Board (Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang) is their partners.

Chronologically events

21st August 2006

Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. successfully obtained approval from Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department to use Cyanide in the mining area inside Bukit Koman.

4th December 2006

After the villages got to know the lethalness and impact of the Cyanide, the villages formed Objection of Cyanide use in Gold Mining in Bukit Koman Committee, aggressively sending the SOS signal to all people for help, gathering help to start the bitter war with Cyanide to save the villages. At the same time, petition is also started and 10 thousands signatures are actually collected with the petition.

2nd March 2007

Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaakob officiate the break soil ceremony of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. Carbon-In Leach factory.

VIP of the event including Pahang Princess ex-husband Mohd. Moiz and Raub Parliament YB Dato Dr. Ng Yen Yen.

May 2007

The committee submitted letter to Prime Minister YAB Dato Abdullah Badawi, Minister of Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication YB Dato Lim Kim Aik and President of MCA, YB Dato Wong Ka Ting and request for attention in this matter, meet the committee for further discussion as well as presenting the memorandum including the signed petition of 10 thousands signatures. The memorandum also submitted to Raub Parliament YB Dato Dr Ng Yan Yan, Pahang MCA State Chief, YB Dato Chan Kong Choy, Chief of MCA Youth cum Bentong Parliament YB Dato Leow Chong Lai. But no respond was obtained.

July 2007

Committee meet with President of Friends of the Earth Malaysia, Meena Raman in Penang for legal assistant

21st March 2008

Committee file a law suit with high court of Kuala Lumpur, requesting the court revert the approval of Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department to Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. to use Cyanide in the process of mining of gold in Bukit Koman. Malaysia Ministry of Environmental has been named first defendant and Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. as second defendant.

February 2009

Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. started the mining process with Cyanide. Residents started to notice sting smell. Since then, many residents started to experience insomnia, vomiting, dizziness and other abnormal symptoms. The total number of report of abnormal symptoms has more than 200 cases.

8th March 2009

Hundreds of villages attended the Anti Cyanide Gathering and put up banner to reflect their determination to say NO to Cyanide. Some of the villages opt to migrate away from Bukit Koman to stay away from this lethal village.

23rd March 2009

Pahang Exco Dato Ho Kee Mum published the report after cursory investigation by department of environment, saying there is no smell of Cyanide is detected.

25th March 2009

Committee and ADUN Raub, Mr. Chong Shao Aun report the event to Anti Corruption, requesting to interfere with the process of gold mining using Cyanide of the mining company.

Villages of Bukit Koman choose to go for peaceful demonstration; due to their body has triggered the alarm of poisoning of Cyanide. Otherwise, there would not be more than 200 cases of abnormal symptoms. Villages really has no confidence in mining company and their promises that their operations would not pollute the environment as well as the water resources when the company clearly even cannot control the abnormal smell emitted from the mining processing facilities.

The mining company uses the Cyanide to mine the gold but cannot give any assurance to the villages has been unfair to the resident not only in Bukit Koman, but whole Raub even other adjunctive districts such as Lipis etc. IF, the Cyanide is leaked to the water resources, similar as the smell has leaked to the open air, then only after this the government put a stop in using the Cyanide, would that be a reasonable trade off or exchange or price to pay? The consequence will be everyone nightmare when the impact of Cyanide pollution will produce monstrosity children for the coming generations! Until then, everything would be too late.

What the villages want is a reasonable solution. The highest priority is to stop the Cyanide mining process similar to suicide slowly. No lip promises but black and white promises. Only the Cyanide mining process is stopped and leaves Bukit Koman forever, is the final answer that villages is expecting.

Unfortunately, that sincerity has not been seen from the government. How many more demonstration would require in order to see more positive responses?

What Is Cyanide

· sodium cyanide (NaCN)

· Physical State; Appearance

· White, hygroscopic crystalline powder, with characteristic odour. Odourless when dry.

· Cyanide solutions readily bond with gold, silver and other metals

· Usually stored and transported as a solid. It is stable when dry.

· Dissolve in water to produce toxic cyanide gas. HCN (Hydrogen Cyanide)

· Cyanide may also result in deforestation, soil erosion, land slides, and contamination of underground water.
One teaspoon of a 2% solution can kill a person.

· The substance decomposes rapidly on contact with acids, and slowly on contact with water, moisture or carbon dioxide producing hydrogen cyanide

· Cyanide is a powerful solvent that breaks down heavy metals – such as mercury, cadmium, chromium, and lead – that end up as waste products that need to be dumped.

· Chemical dangers
One teaspoon of a 2% solution can kill a person.

· Cyanide is highly toxic, rapidly acting, potentially deadly chemical

· The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation, through the skin and by ingestion.

· prevents the cells of the body from using oxygen. When this happens, the cells die.

· cause effects on the cellular respiration, resulting in convulsions and unconsciousness

· more harmful to the heart and brain than to other organs because the heart and brain use a lot of oxygen.

· 20ppm/ per cubic meter in air (mg/m3)

· Cyanide is the killing agent used in gas chambers.

· When the density of HCN is 20 ppm, after few hours human will experience symptoms of poison dead

· Total Cyanide composition on surface water must not be more then 0.2mg/L, when the Cyanide composition is more than 0.5mg/L, 20% of the fish will be dead in two hours, all fish will be dead in 24 hours.

· Notorious chemical weapons used in Second World War, has been widely used by Nazi in the detention facilities and channel the gas to chamber which is a counterfeit bath room. The weapon has kill millions of Jews.

· Has been considered potential terrorist weapon.

· Potassium Cyanide has been used in mercy killing. Subject will be dead in 10 seconds after the drug has been injected or taken via oral.

Although cyanide is lethal in small doses, many tons are used in mineral extraction.

The asserted benefits of mining do not outweigh the potential for permanent environmental damage.

Use of Cyanide in Mining Industries

  1. Carbon In Leach Gold Recovery Plant.
  2. Approximately 85% of the gold is recovered in the plant.

I. The crushed ore is fed to tanks of cyanide solution,

II. The gold is dissolved in the cyanide.

III. The pregnant solution is then transferred to a series of tanks, where carbon is added.

IV. The gold is adsorbed onto the surface of the carbon.

V. The carbon, with gold attached, is removed by screening.

VI. The gold bearing carbon is then introduced into a heated sodium hydroxide-cyanide-water solution where the gold is dissovled.

VII. This concentrated solution is passed through a series of electrowinning cells, where the gold quickly plates (in about 3 minutes) onto the stainless steel cathodes.

VIII. The gold is washed from the cathodes, with high pressure sprays, dried and melted, to be poured into molds for gold bricks, or ingots.

How does cyanide affect living organisms, environment and the communities

In a letter replying to Friend to Earth Malaysia by Pahang Mineral and Geoscience Department, En. Zulkifly Abu Bakar confirmed that the department has issued letter of approval on 21st of August, allowing the mining company using Cyanide in their mining process. This letter of approval is based on 10th clause of 1994 Mineral Development act. The duration is 1 year. The company can renew the approval after 1 year.

According to the reply, the mining company will use concentration of 350mg/L Cyanide solution to extract gold from the ore. Gold will be reclaimed via electrolysis. The solution in the vats will be recycled. Only purified water will be discharged to abandoned pond left over from previous mining activity.

The reply also pointed out that “once discharged to the abandoned pond, the pond water will contain approximately 0.008% of Cyanide. In the present of sunlight, the Cyanide percentage in the water will be less and less and become totally degraded. The water of the abandon pond will be recycled for subsequent extraction process.”

The reply again pointed out “Cyanide extraction has been widely use in mining industry, including developed country”



Purified water will be channeled to the abandoned lake of previous mining activity. The abandoned lake contains approximately 0.008% Cyanide.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), composition in natural water should be controlled below 0.2 ppm. The Cyanide discharged to abandoned lake is 80ppm, which has exceeded the safe level over 400 times!

PPM = Part Per Million.

Cyanide can breaks down in the presence of sunlight.

1. In-order to breakdown into other substances, sufficient sunlight and oxygen in the air are needed. Unfortunately, presence of sunlight is always absence due to reasons such as overcast and haze, whereby the process of gold extraction is running 24 hours in 365 days. Cyanide content discharged into pond will accumulate day after day.

2. Both cyanide and acid-mine drainage can find their way into streams and rivers through accidental spills, discharges, dam overflows, and water runoff. It can also seep into groundwater. Leftover cyanide in very small concentrations can harm birds and other wildlife that drink mine pond wastewater.

3. Purified water container Cyanide discharged from the plan contains NH3-N. High concentration of this chemical will provide more nutrient to aquatic organism. This will in turn the increase production of algae which will in turn decrease the penetration of sunlight or visibility of the water. This will decrease the dissolve of oxygen in the water and directly threat the survivor of fish and other organism inside the water. The end result of this situation is that the water will be stink and form of ‘red tide’ or ‘algae bloom’.

4. According to the Mineral Policy Center, “mining and regulatory documents often state that cyanide in water rapidly breaks down in the presence of sunlight into largely harmless substances, such as carbon dioxide and nitrate or ammonia. However, cyanide also tends to react readily with many other chemical elements and is known to form, at a minimum, hundreds of different compounds.” Many of these breakdown compounds are generally less toxic than the original cyanide, but are still known to be toxic to aquatic organisms.

5. These breakdown compounds may persist in the environment for an unknown period of time, and there is evidence that some forms of these compounds can accumulate in fish and plant tissues.

If managed properly, mining with Cyanide is absolutely safe

In case of any mismanage or neglection, the consequence will be fully transferred to all the innocent villages, furthermore, there is no any party dare enough to guarantee that no accident is going happened. We trade the life of thousands of villages for the profit of certain private organization does not sounds like logical and fair.

Operation of Cyanide is in a closed environment. Chances of leakage or contamination is neglect able

The above figure shown an open pit Carbon in Leach process. Content in the vat is mixture of crash ore and sodium cyanide, which the process will generate a very toxic gas, Hydrogen Cyanide. The gas will waft in the air.

Since February 2009, the air around the mining facilities is floated with stink chemical smell. Within a month, more than 200 abnormal symptom is reported. The quality of air has triggered the alarm to the people.

Mining facilities will bring more job opportunities to Raub

Most of the workers are foreign workers. According to the employed local people, after a period working in the mining facilities, there will be problem with the skin.

Water resources will not be contaminated

From year 1898 to year 1963, the mining company has dug seven interconnected mining well. These wells have depth ranging from 600 to 1200 feet, which has formed a network of underground water. Three of the wells are located right below the abandoned lake which the purified water containing Cyanide will be discharged. Furthermore, the Koman river, which runs across the mining will also poses great threats if leakage or contamination. Once that happened, the underground water would not be get away from it. (as figure show)

Gold Cyanidation (also known as the cyanide process or the MacArthur-Forrest process) are widely used even in developed countries.

Montana , The Czech Republic has banned the use of cyanide in mining, and both Turkey and Greece have made significant court rulings against issuing permits to mining interests whose projects propose the use of cyanide. The Mining Amendment (Cyanide Leaching) Bill 2000, which would prohibit ore processing by cyanide leaching in gold mining, was entered into the Parliament in New South Wales, Australia, in June 2000.

Accidents keep on occurring even in developed countries, how can we judge that the approval for their license is accurate?

The mining facilities only two meter away from the residential area, in fact only across the street from residential area

Any form of industry must have distance more the 5 km

The mining facilities and the ad juncture residential area, does not even have any buffer!

How the approval can be obtained by mining facilities which uses first grade poison material, Cyanide, to process which is only few meters away from residential area? In fact close to 1.5 tan of Cyanide is used daily inside the facilities. Is the rules only applicable to certain people but exception can be applied to certain people?

Some of the villages and most of the people in Raub have been ignorant on the criticality of the issue. Some assume that this is the trick of someone who wanted to get to the top.

Protection of home was never a political or races or religious oriented. When the home is gone, health is gone and conscious is gone, who is in power is not relevant anymore.

Gold Cyanidation Process in Bukit Koman will never affect the village’s health and wealth.

Exposure to high levels of cyanide harms the brain and heart, and may cause coma and death. Exposure to lower levels may result in breathing difficulties, heart pains, vomiting, blood changes, headaches, and enlargement of the thyroid gland, redness and pain to the skin.

Exposure to very low concentration of cyanide may cause cancer in people or animals. Can cause skin problem.

Immediate signs and symptoms of exposure to cyanide

Exposed to a small amount

Exposure to a large amount

o Rapid breathing

o Restlessness

o Dizziness

o Weakness

o Headache

o Nausea

o vomiting

o Rapid heart rate

o Insomnia

o smells bitter almonds

o weeping

o snotting

o Convulsions

o suffocation

o Low blood pressure

o Slow heart rate

o Loss of consciousness

o Lung injury

o Respiratory failure leading to death

Cyanide has been the cause of recent environmental disasters at U.S. mines eg

Colorado, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, California, South Dakota, South Carolina, Romania, Guyana, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Papua New Guinea, Bulgarian, Resulting in massive fish kills and contaminated drinking water; and, no matter what processing method is used at the mine site, we cannot risk the release of even tiny amounts of cyanide into our waterways and fisheries.

Recent examples

1. Zortman-Landusky Mine, Montana, 1982: Fifty-two thousand gallons of cyanide solution poison the drainage that supplies fresh drinking water for the town of Zortman. A mine employee discovered the accident when he noticed the smell of cyanide in his tap water at home.

2. Summitville Mine, Colorado, 1992: Summitville gold mine was responsible for contaminating 17 miles of the Alamosa River with cyanide and other contaminants.

3. Kumtor Gold Mine, Kyrgyzstan, central Asia, 1998: A truck carrying 2 tons of sodium cyanide crashed into the Barskoon River. Two thousand six hundred poison cases and 4 deaths were reported in the aftermath.

4. Aural Gold Plant, Romania, Eastern Europe, 2000: A cyanide-laden tailings spill sent a toxic slug of cyanide and metals rolling down the Tisza River and into the Danube, killing aquatic wildlife and poisoning water supplies as far as 250 miles downriver.

5. In May 1998, six to seven tons of cyanide-laced tailings spilled from the Homestake Mine into Whitewood Creek in the Black Hills of South Dakota, resulting in a substantial fish kill.

6. The Dakota Mining Company bought the land from the federal government for just $5 per acre (under the General Mining Law of 1872), extracted about $69 million worth of gold over ten years, then filed for bankruptcy in 1998, leaving taxpayers with an estimated $40 million cleanup bill.

7. Before a voter initiative banned the use of cyanide in open pit, cyanide-leach mining in November 1998, Montana landowners downstream of the Golden Sunlight mine were forced to sell their property to Placer Dome Corporation after their drinking water was contaminated with cyanide.

8. The Kendall mine near Lewistown, Montana, has contaminated neighbors’ streams with toxic mine waste since 1995. Reclamation efforts at the mine have also depleted water supplies downstream from the company. Eight neighboring landowners have filed water rights complaints against the mining company.

9. The Golden Maple mine near Lewistown, Montana, was ordered to provide a neighboring rancher with an alternate water supply for both domestic and stock water needs after 77,000 gallons of cyanide contaminated the neighbor’s groundwater.

10. In a 1997 lawsuit settlement against Pegasus Gold, the company agreed to spend $34 million to study environmental damage to the groundwater surrounding the Zortman/Landusky mine, to construct an additional water treatment plant, to conduct a public health study, and other measures.

11. 1995 Omai Guyana Collapse of tailings dam.

12. 2000 Baia Mare Romania Collapse of tailings dam.

13. 2000 Tolukuma Papua New Guinea Helicopter dropped crate into rainforest.


  1. Forced to sell their property after their drinking water was contaminated with cyanide.
  2. Cyanide use and resulting accidents threaten private property rights and shift the responsibility for cleanup from mining companies to taxpayers.
  3. When a mining corporation declares bankruptcy, taxpayers are left with the economic burden of reclamation, leaving liabilities for future generations.


Saturday, May 2, 2009
































2009-03-29 16:01

  • 鍾紹安(坐者右起)、丘雪莉和反毒委員會主席黃金雄和村民堅決反對山埃採金。(圖:星洲日報)

  • 韓立運:嗅到異味全身不舒服。(圖:星洲日報)

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这个礼拜天, 5 月17日, 两点钟,欢迎关心此事的朋友们到会堂对面的茶餐室一起商讨对策,或纯萃交流意见,你可以邀请家长, 兄弟姐妹, 同学朋友, 乡亲邻里同来,不必不好意思, 每个人,只要你是关心的, 我们诚意邀请你出席!


作者/民政党 May 06, 2009 07:54:51 pm




作者/本刊曾薛霏 May 04, 2009 11:39:56 am


“ 资 料显示,使用山埃采金等于使用化武,再过十年二十年后,一切生态、植物、动物肯定会基因变化,后患无穷。彭亨州政府滥权舞弊,变成法律灰色,残酷无情。我 知道他们会使用‘邪恶等于正义’的言论来为(维)护(山埃无毒)误导村民,为了将来咱们没有内疚降低下一代的痛苦,疾病。‘反山埃委员会’已经作最坏的打 算,‘牺牲’。假如我们不幸牺牲,不必为我们难过,为下一代着想,你们抗战到底,抗战到底。”
他 也透露,警方没有告诉他如何获得更详细的化验报告,也没有透露详细的报告会在何时出炉,“警官连医生手写的报告书也不让我复印,只是给我看看而已。如今我 已签名认领遗体,是否等于我已接受了他的解释?发现父亲的遗体时,他的鼻孔、耳朵都有流血,这可不可能是中毒?如今我父亲也下葬了,就算我不满意,总不能 又挖起他的尸体,再验尸一次?”
今年二月间劳勿澳洲采矿公司(Raub-Australian Mining)使用山埃采金以来,武吉公满新村就开始间歇性地传来异味。由于张少平的住家距离金矿区只有约三百公尺之遥,且其住家位于半山腰,张少平及其妻子陈莲娣深受异味困扰。为了躲避异味,陈莲娣自4月12日起搬到吉隆坡与孩子同住,张少平则偶尔到榴莲园的小屋独居。
自上周一(4月27 日)下午起,村民就没有见到张少平出现在村子里。次日晚上反山埃委员会成员到张的榴莲园寻人时,才发现他死在榴莲园的小屋里。对其死因起疑的村民向警方报 案,要警方彻查张的死因。劳勿医院解剖后初步证实,张少平死于心脏病。他的死是否还有其他原因所致,还需等待详细报告出炉。【点击:张少平反毒害壮志未酬 三百人送殡作沉默抗议】
山 埃(氰化物,cyanide,化学式CN)是一种无色无味剧毒物质,会阻止人体细胞吸收氧气,人类吸入高浓度氰化钠气体或吞食致死剂量的氰化钠,几乎可以 立即停止呼吸而死亡。由于山埃可与97%的金结合,增高炼金产量;因此自1960年以来,金矿商便大量使用这种有害化学物质采金。


作者/本刊陈慧思 May 01, 2009 11:24:26 pm


享 年64岁的张少平生前出钱出力,积极带领武吉公满村民反对山埃采金计划,除了担任反山埃委员会财政,他也是山埃采金计划司法复核案的申请人之一。由于感念 张少平生前的付出与牺牲,武吉公满男女老少几乎皆走出家门,送张少平最后一程。有村民向《独立新闻在线》形容,武吉公满从未出现过这么盛大的送殡场面。
自 今年二月间劳勿澳洲采矿(Raub-Australian Mining)正式使用山埃采金以来,武吉公满新村就开始间歇性地传来异味。由于张少平的住家距离金矿区只有约三百公尺之遥,且其住家位于半山腰,张少平 及其妻子陈莲娣深受异味困扰。为了躲避异味,陈莲娣自4月12日起搬到吉隆坡与孩子同住,张少平则偶尔到榴莲园的小屋独居。
自 周一(4月27日)下午起,村民就没有见到张少平出现在村子里。次日晚上反山埃委员会成员到张的榴莲园寻人时,才发现他死在榴莲园的小屋里。对其死因起疑 的村民向警方报案,要警方彻查张的死因。劳勿医院解剖后初步证实,张少平死于心脏病。他的死是否还有其他原因所致,还需等待详细报告出炉。
她 继说,夫妇俩为了治疗眼疾和皮肤痒的毛病,看了好几次医生,陈莲娣看专科医生医好眼疾之后,听取丈夫的劝告到吉隆坡与孩子同住,以免吸入毒气影响健康。张 少平则执意留在武吉公满,以看顾榴莲园及继续展开其反山埃运动。她到吉隆坡与孩子同住后,他偶尔到榴莲园的小屋过宿,尽可能避免吸入过多毒气。
张 少平的骤逝,为张家带来巨大的改变。追溯这个悲剧的源头,山埃采矿肯定脱不了关系。自从劳勿澳洲采矿在武吉公满采矿以来,这个原先宁静平和的小镇就起了巨 大的改变,自二月矿主开始使用山埃采矿以来,村民就投诉他们间歇性嗅到异味,并出现喉咙痒、咳嗽、眼红、眼睛流液、呼吸困难、呕吐、晕眩、头痛、皮肤生红 点、生水泡等症状。